Detailing and Restoration can be applied to nearly every part of your car.  Machine polishing is a great way to optimise your vehicles appearance and maintain its value.

Lights scratches, wear and tear, faded paint, marks from tree sap, stains on seats floors and plastic come from all areas of life.  We all use our vehicles for different reasons and they all get dirty in different ways.

Proven processes to clean and restore your vehicle to its optimum condition.

Upon arriving we go through your car and clearly asses what is required, how long it will take and a firm price to complete the work required.


We have a wide range of Machine Polishing products from Ultra high gloss all the way down to heavily scratched.

Detail & Restoration Services are as follows:

Steam Clean Options

Seats steam cleaned from $
Carpets steam cleaned from $

Leather Seats Cleaned & Conditioned

Add this to any wash $

Machine Polish Options

Sedan from $
SUV from $
Large from $

Interior Detail

Sedan from $
SUV from $
Large from $

Full Detail

Sedan from $
SUV from $
Large from $